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Immortal Cities: Children of the Nile

Cheat mode:
Press "Enter" during game play, enter one of the following codes,
then press "Enter" to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect                                  Code 
Add indicated amount of resource
to selected building; leave amount
blank for maximum                       Ptah <resource> <number>  
Add envoy to palace                     Ra <number>  
Lose current level                      Set  
Win current level                       Thoth  
Clear all household inventory           Sobek  
Clear goods inventory                   Sobek Goods  
Clear food inventory                    Sobek Food  
List cheat options                      Amun  
View indicated coordinate               Worship <x> <y>  
View indicated unit                     Hathor <full unit id>  
View indicated unit                     Hathor <player><unit id>  
Kill all units for indicated
player                                  Anubis <player>  
Redistributes food as if harvest
ocurred                                 Ma'at 
Remove resources from building.         Isis <resource><number>  
Restore all units HP back to full       Hapi  
Same as Ptah, but also create
storage area for resource               Bast <resource><amount>  
Toggle free palace upgrade.             Horus  
Fill building with all resources
to max                                  Osiris 

Resource numbers:
Use one of the following values for the <resource> parameter
in the codes.

Item                                        Resource 
Armor                                       55 
Barley                                      23 
Baskets, Reeds                              75 
Baskets, Rushes                             40 
Beef                                        26 
Beer                                        70 
Block, Fine Limestone                       4 
Block, Limestone                            7 
Bread (barley)                              66 
Bread (wheat)                               71 
Bricks (reeds)                              63 
Bricks (rushes)                             64 
Bricks (straw)                              6 
Chariot                                     79 
Clay                                        10 
Copper                                      16 
Cosmetics, Copper                           89 
Cosmetics, Copper, Henna and Kohl           102 
Cosmetics, Henna                            78 
Cosmetics, Kohl                             43 
Dates                                       32 
Emeralds                                    14 
Fish                                        27 
Flax                                        15 
Flowers                                     37 
Fowl                                        28 
Fruit Tree                                  91 
Furniture, Acacia                           58 
Furniture, Cedar                            87 
Furniture, Reeds                            49 
Furs                                        53 
Generic Food                                80 
Gold                                        5 
Grapes                                      29 
Henna                                       22 
Incense                                     50 
Jewelry (emerald and gold)                  98 
Jewelry (emerald)                           48 
Jewelry (faience)                           60 
Jewelry (gold)                              65 
Jewelry (turquoise, emerald, gold)          99 
Jewelry (turquoise and emerald)             72 
Jewelry (turquoise and gold)                97 
Jewelry (turquoise)                         57 
Kohl                                        18 
Kopesh                                      61 
Leather                                     34 
Lettuce                                     24 
Linen                                       42 
Mats, Reeds                                 74 
Mats, Rushes                                39 
Monkeys                                     52 
Myrrh                                       73 
Obelisk, Large                              94 
Obelisk, Small                              92 
Oil                                         19 
Onions                                      25 
Papyrus                                     46 
Perfume, Flowers                            76 
Perfume, Henna                              44 
Perfume, Myrrh                              77 
Pomegranates                                30 
Pottery                                     41 
Quartz                                      35 
Reeds (papyrus)                             9 
Rushes                                      33 
Sandals, Leather                            90 
Sandals, Leather and Rush                   96 
Sandals, Rush                               45 
Sculpture, Basalt                           59 
Sculpture, Bronze                           88 
Sculpture, Clay                             47 
Sculpture, Copper                           100 
Sculpture, Tin                              101 
Ship                                        95 
Spices                                      51 
Statue, Basalt, Large                       82 
Statue, Basalt, Small                       83 
Stele, Granite, Large                       84 
Stele, Granite, Small                       81 
Straw                                       11 
Tin                                         17 
Turquoise                                   36 
Weapons                                     62 
Wheat                                       2 
Wine (date)                                 67 
Wine (fig)                                  69 
Wine (pomegranate)                          68 
Wood, Acacia                                3 
Wood, Cedar                                 86 

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