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Unlimited lives:
80106554 0009 

Unlimited armor:
8010655C 0000 

9999 wings:
80106544 270F 

Unlimited time:
80099496 3C00
D00AA310 0003
80099496 A462

Press L2 + R2 after the level begins until the countdown is over and 
the mission actually starts. The counter will decrease slightly. Press 
L2 + R2 at the end of each mission when the counter remains at 0. 

Unlimited secondary weapons:
801064AC 0009 

Press Select for no wings in shop:
D00AA310 0100
80010044 0000 

Press L2 + R2 + X for no assignments (mines, etc):
D00A A310 0043
8011 60BA 0000

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